
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Launch is in 96 days and holy moly has that arrived a lot quicker than anticipated! So you may ask, “Kenz, what have you been up doing to prep?!” Well here comes the answer: A TON! I have fundraised over $10,000 and have started getting my equipment together! 

I have been blessed with a tent that is RAD might I add, a 60L pack that is also pretty RAD and my day pack! I also have bookings to go grab a sleeping pad and sleeping bag at REI next week, HOW BUSY! 

What else may you ask?! Well you’d think with the amount of tattoos I have needles would be NOTHING, but holy guacamole I still have a fear! I have all the shots I need, minus the yellow fever, which is a MUST! I will be getting that this coming Monday, so please say a prayer because your girl is scared! 

Okay, we get it, physically I am pretty much on top of my prep, but how about spiritually? How is God helping me cope with all this change and how are my nerves? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, I am. But the crazy thing, I am not scared. I have started meditating in the morning, where I sit cozy for twenty minutes and just open myself up to hear from God, where I also pray and ask him to show me what he wants from me. And oh my goodness has he been speaking to me. I have learned that I need to lean on God through everything before I leave, I have prayed more in the past year than I think I have in my entire life. I have let myself be venerable to my Lord, and it has been so rewarding. God is speaking so clearly, and so loudly to me it’s almost as if I can hear him tell me that “He’s got me.” I look at God like an older brother figure, (don’t we all see God in some way that makes him more personable to us or is that just me?) I see him guiding me through this ride and showing me all that I never thought was possible. But remember, with God, what is impossible? NOTHING HUNNY! 

As I sit here and type I can’t help but feel so excited to meet my team, transform together, learn together and show others His Kingdom! Wow, can you tell I am PUMPED?! 

A lot of you may be wondering, this girl is all over the place! Where is she even going?! Well you are in LUCK! I will be posting where I am going and everything I am doing in DEPTH! But for now, I will list the countries in order that my team and I will be traveling to, and the details will come in another post!

Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, and Greece!

Subscribe to join the ride, you never know what will come next!

